Hm...while Ten Little Taffers isn´t a bummer I have to admit I didn´t really enjoy it. I would even go so far and call it more an interactive movie than a real mission. At least that was how it felt to me when playing it.
While the idea of having three different character views instead of the traditional difficulties is interesting there are also some drawbacks. Aside that it doesn´t so much new to it.
With Garrett you are basically forced go ghost the mission as you must not even scare the NPCs. I don´t like it when a mission has such restrictions. Doesn´t make much sense to me.
The architecture is not so interesting, just a small hotel. What is kinda annoying that one character shouts the scared servant voice lines when stepping on metal or marble. While I understand the intention of that it´s in the end just a nuisance.
The story itself,´s mostly scripted and can´t be much influenced.
Overall I´m not really convinced by that release. Only recommended with reservations. But IMO you don´t miss so much if you skip it.
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