Here is what a proper homage to a Metal Age mission looks, with all the bells and whistles LGS could not add to Life of the Party due to engine limitations. This is LotP squared: the same general premise and structure, but bigger, exquisitely detailed, and polished to perfection. Like the better kind of city missions, it has a lot of variety wihin its confines – multiple small mansions, tenements, a factory, a massive Hammerite complex, and even a set of catacombs. Interwoven through it all are connecting plotlines, from mini-episodes to level-spanning mysteries. You can head for the main objective or try your hand at the optional side-quests, which take you all around the level. There is a lot of excellent visual storytelling scattered around the level, but I must draw particular attention to the sound work: by using creative combinations of stock lines and new material, Feast of Pilgrims features several conversations you can eavesdrop on, including a hilarious running joke featuring a wandering maniac, and a full fire-and-brimstones Hammerite sermon that is a thing of beauty.
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