A city/church mission revolving around the rise of the Mechanists, and their split with the Order of the Hammer, in an interesting, atmospheric Winter environment. The architecture of the mission is labyrinthine in a good way – visually creative, and fun to navigate through either the rooftops or the streets. The places you can visit, and the snippets of information you can gather are fun, but the focus of the mission is the church, undergoing refurbishment from old Hammerite roost to antiseptic new Mechanist facility. This sense of upheaval is conveyed expertly through visual storytelling, readables, and the challenges you will be facing. There are a lot of routes to take, and the whole complex has a very satisfying flow.
There are minor weaknesses: the street level is much less populated with interesting stuff, and prowling with many more guards than the rooftops, so it makes little sense to venture there too much. Likewise, you can notice the signs of conceptual overreach – sometimes, the FM wants to be a much bigger mission than its scope allows. These are overall small nitpicks, and the FM shows tremendous improvement over the author’s submission from last year’s TDP contest.
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