OGDA's first mission, One Man's Treasure is an aptly named, small manor mission in which we have to break into an antiques shop run by a somewhat eccentric man and steal some emeralds that recently came in. It's a well guarded and well lit house, with some sneaky tricks up its sleeve, but all in all it is a fairly generic fare. The mission was apparently modeled after The Bakery Job, (following a let's map series on YouTube) and it shows, for better and worse. The map itself is appropriately tight and detailed, and a few surprises await the player. All in all I would probably say it surpasses its inspiration "The Bakery Job", but doesn't quite reach the heights players are used to these days with Darkmod releases. Again, being a first release there is little one can substantively criticize either. All in all a solid effort, and with more practice could be followed up with a great mission!
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