Outstanding mission, Dirk already showed with his previous mission that he can create amazing city missions and this one only proves that even more. Just like in Egress the interiors feature creative brushwork and great level design. Those, along with Dirks choice of textures and ambients create enviroments that are bizzare, very unnatural but with huge amount of detail, thick atmosphere and ones that are just super fun to explore. Language Dirk uses in the readables definetly suits the setting of Thief and adds to the atmosphere, but I have to say I didn't know a lot of the words lol.
While playing the mission it definetly didn't feel like 10/10 FM for me as I am a fan of supernatural settings, but then I entered Vizir's mansion and that location is a reason why I gave Ascend the Dim Valley a 10. Without spoiling much I'm just gonna say that if you're a fan of The Sword and pagan asthethics then you will definetly enjoy your "stay" there. I just wish the Keepers are was bigger (unless I missed something).
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