A short, but truly enjoyable museum heist. The best element of this mission is atmosphere. Every room has its specific purpose and design, nothing feels coincidental, empty, or inappropriate. The main storyline is simple, but there are plenty of readables (mostly plaques) that enhance the experience of sneaking through the museum. Even though the mission is not particularly difficult (there are just a few guards), there are a few other obstacles here and there that require caution. Everything feels just fine and I totally love this mission. Highly recommended.
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star 9 / 10
Interesting. I liked Heart of Bohn (also about museum - by different author) and I've heard about Saints and Thieves (another mission of Spitter), so maybe I'll give it a shot some time...
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When I find time... And I suggest you to play Heart of Bohn if you haven't yet!)) Nice mission.
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@Mike I can see that "Saints & Thieves" doesn't have Museum genre in our database. If that's important part of the mission, the genre should be added.
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No, S&T it is not museum mission (as I think). i just said that I haven't played both Saints and Thieves and Hightowne Museum which are made by the same author.
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Sorry, I assumed that from the context. Then everything is fine.
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