This was a pretty solid FM throughout. There were some very nice features like the logbook keeping track of keys, and all of the keys you obtain going on a single ring. The map was quite large, but not complicated to the point of making you lost. The Thief 1 atmosphere shone through with the pagan elements, a nice bit of flavor that wasn't overbearing (just 4 or 5 non human enemies). I wouldn't call this a classic, but the well architected map along with the engaging gameplay put it in my archive as a mission that is worth keeping.
The barracks and guard captain rooms didn't have doors that were interactable, and I found no switches, so I'm not sure if I missed something or they were just meant to not be included. Lord F's mansion's guest room was also not accessible from the outside unless I missed something, as the guest room key was inside with the sleeping guest. I had to smash down the door and kill the guest since he woke up. I also couldn't find any way to get more keys or a painting from Lord Randolph, which I suspected had a second room in his house besides the first one you get in through.
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This is a little late of a response, but the guest room in Lord F's mansion can be accessed via rope arrow via a connection in the room opposite.
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