Business as Usual is a small-scale city "playground" map consisting of a series of unrelated small objectives.
The briefing and readables do the job of getting you outside and taking stuff. That's all they do, but that's clearly all they're meant to do.
While it takes place in the city streets - the map itself is quite small, consisting of about 3 small outdoor regions with a smattering of indoor segments.
The strength of this mission comes from the variety of approaches in traversing the environment. It's very non-linear but the map is small enough that it's never confusing or hard to get your bearings.
The environments are fairly basic architecturally but are detailed enough to give them life.
It has a consistent difficulty throughout the mission - albeit one that borders on being too easy.
In summary: it's a city-lite map that overcomes it shortcomings in story and architectural complexity with adequate non-linear gameplay and fairly well-detailed environments.
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