Garrett is preparing himself for a mansion heist and suddenly everything goes wrong. The City Watch is knocking at the doors of his apartment and he has to flee. Looks like someone sold him out! The objectives of the mission are to find the wrongdoer and to steal a collection of expensive jewellery from Lord Fishkill's estate.
The mission is based on the OM Assasins. Unlike the vanilla level, the city in "Lorgan's Web" is no longer empty. Garrett can enter almost every building and there are some new areas as well (Ramirez' estate is removed and replaced with Lord Fishkill's mansion, there is also a new Hammerite jail and chapel). The storyline is complex and features numerous plot twists and non-linear ways to accomplish some objectives. There are also many entertaining readables.
Not all areas are equally well-designed, however. For example, Lord Fishkill's manor looks rather mediocre and simplistic even though it features many interesting nooks and crannies. The interior of some buildings in the city varies from great to decent. More sound brushes would have been welcome. That being the case, the atmosphere in this level is almost perfect (the tavern sign swinging in the nightly wind!).
I have greatly enjoyed playing "Lorgan's Web". Even though the mission has some minor design deficits (and allegedly a couple of bugs — though I didn't encounter anything serious), it is one of the best Thief 1 fan creations. Highly recommended.
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