The Factory Heist is thebigh's first mission, and he's wisely kept it pretty small. Despite it's small play area there is plenty of challenge here, especially if you decide to play on Ghost difficulty. The guard's patterns are tight and unforgiving, combined with lanterns lighting up far and wide you'll find yourself observing their patterns for a good while before you dare to make any moves. To compound the difficult patrols, loot is scarce and well hidden. You think it will be a breeze looking at the objectives, but it turns out to almost feel like a chore. Story-wise there's not a whole lot of meat on the bones, but considering the small size of the mission it's certainly acceptable. Visually the mission is kept pretty simple, with mostly brushed based geometry that is pretty rough, but has a retro cool factor, and it is adequate to sell the location. All in all there are enough nuggets of ingenuity to keep the player interested, and make them look forward to future missions by the author!
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