Joebarnin's third dark mod mission "Now and Then" is certainly a crowd-pleaser. True to his style the main objectives are tough to crack and will keep the player on their toes. Thankfully they are a lot less frustrating than in earlier missions and I found myself enjoying every moment of my playthrough. This was helped by the difficulty of patrols and AI that keeps the player on their toes, but never feels unfair. Those who wish to complete everything on offer here are going to be in for a long play session though, since there are many pieces of loot that are extremely well hidden. I couldn't help think that joebarnin has taken some inspiration from Bienie's Chronicles of Skulduggery series the way that essentially every character has a fleshed out backstory, as well as multiple side missions to help some of the people out. Even down to using the same placards for the name of paintings. That said you could certainly do worse as far as inspiration goes, and Now and Then definitely still has its own character and feels quite unique, not least in the main objective. The clever use of modular buildings keeps the street section looking fresh and keeps the player from getting lost, though the myriad of secret passageways can get you confused at times, but in a good way! Story-wise the mission is a bit here and there (and now and then!), in that the players motivations are a bit unclear, but keeps you engrossed enough to continue. Where the mission truly shines is the discoverable content on the side, and the namesake twist.
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Agree. I'm playing now Skulduggery series, and Now and Then feels like some kind of spin-off (albeit more stylistically - in terms of similar system of optional objectives, and from texturing/assets point) to them - even despite it was created by other author.
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