Garrett has got a job offer to rob yet another noble, Sir Vasco, but now in a city of Bohn. So begins our adventure. We are to wander in sewers, climb the heights inside and outside of aforementioned noble's posh mansion, read quite funny "tongue-in-cheek" texts, and to have fun from pure ghosting (optional) and solving one particular and simple puzzle (also optional).
The mission itself looks nice, using textures and sounds from Thief: Deadly Shadows and Thief 2 fan made Mystic Gems series (since it is obviously well-made homage to them, especially to MG 2: Heart of Bohn). It really brought summer on my PC! We begin from below, in sewers, which provides us with several exits to different parts of Vasco's mansion, almost separated from each other (and to get to each of them from ground and from up - you will need to traverse almost entire mansion). There're enough guards (and author put much thought into their patrol routes) and enough places to hide, both above and below. Lots of well-hidden secrets. It's very vertical, and balanced - it would not be too hard or too simple. Unlike other One Million contest' "eye-candy" - Cinder Notes - it feels more challenging and also more rewarding both as gameplay experience and as more complete story.
It's hard to criticize this mission. In terms of level-design for me it would be second best of contest missions, right after Alcazar and it obviously was made by skilled author. It's beautiful. Also I like Mystic Gems series. Real more or less objective nitpick is steep loot goal on expert (and - funny enough - it was easier for me to spot an important secret at the very top of mansion than to find jewelry that seemed to be in plain sight of everyone on one of the stands on the top floor), but it might be quite subjective. Maybe the biggest - also subjective - thing, is that mission is not as memorable as previous missions I reviewed here (Alcazar, Sabotage in Eastport and Turning of the Leaves), and feels more predictable and typical and not as "spicey" as they are. I understand if other people would rate it higher than me. In any case, it was fun adventure that kept me busy within an hour and a half.
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