This is an obvious newbie city mission that reminds me of very early 2000s design efforts – the good ones. For all its mistakes and rough edges, it is a good promise, showing imagination and design talent. Sure, the brushwork is blocky and sometimes badly constructed, but there is a willingness to experiment with unusual shapes and shape combinations. There are fun ways to get into buildings and pass through a series of apartments into entirely different places. Gameplay is rudimentary, but there is playful experimentation there – ledges, balconies, observation points, windows to look through or get spotted through, dark corners and ruined stonework. It is lit up in nice ways. There is a variety of environments. It has flaws, too: no readables, a bare minimum of a story, there is not much challenge (the guards are too easy to avoid), and the soundscape/sound propagation is flawed. But the spark is there, and through improvement, the author could create some damn good missions. Onwards!
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