A very vertical city mission centred around a towering Mechanist facility you must infiltrate, surrounded by equally towering high-rises you must plunder. The most successful aspect of the mission is how vertigo-inducing it is – yes, it goes HIGH, and it is a long way down when you slip and fall. And fall you will: navigation can be tricky, and either due to innate issues introduced by the narrow and cramped vertical spaces, or a lack of sufficient playtesting, some of the jumps are fairly frustrating. AI also seem to be more aware than usual, and an unfortunate step can rile up the whole neighbourhood from top to bottom. Another thing which does not work out perfectly is that the structures surrounding the Mech tower are built on the perimeter of the mission, and do not offer sufficient place for interesting enterable places. So we have “columns” of tiny rooms cramped on top of each other, or connected by impossibly tall stairs.
This is one mission which could have been less vertical (some of the rooms are very tall) and have a larger footprint. The infiltration segment in the Mechanist facility is decent, as is the overall look and feel of the mission – but something is missing here.
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