in terms of the setting and planning of such escape map its really is a marvel of odds against you. Machinery watching every area of significance, death dealing automation unkillable, the agency of guards in nearby building sleeping, preaching or training waiting for a scuffle on the island to deal with. No equipment to speak of just your perception of what could be tools. which makes it all the more cathartic to not just only break out of your cell but to reawaken ancient life that seeks to take back the island from these mechanists. Watching the slaughter of the supposed leader with his own tools was quite the site then disabling all the machinery leaving it helpless to the rise of tree guardians was just amazing. overall my friend your work on this map was spot on to a very bleak and helpless journey to an unstoppable death dealing man escaping from the clutches of the so called superior. Wonderful work hope to see your work again soon.
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Well, to some extent it reflects my own thoughts. I didn't expect much from this mission, but I found myself enjoying Loser as some good adventure/keyhunt prison mission with lots of things to do and to deal with, and which is set in exotic island. I found that some people are put off by its strange humour but I wasn't that much distracted.
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