This is my first FM that I've played from Korthak and it was truly an enjoyment! The city is dark and it has a strong TG atmosphere. There are lots of climbing opportunities and interesting buildings to explore. Especially Lord Guldenberg's and Lord Leveilleur's buildings have very cool architecture and layout that is inspiring.
Then there is the Undercity which gives this FM a really unique touch and adds so much to overall atmosphere! I like the idea of old ruins that has been converted into maintenance facilities and cheap apartments. This place is inhabited by criminals and it is dark there. It's a nice challenge to sneak your way among these criminals and finally find a way to old ruins that hasn't been touched by Hightowne's officials.
The city is very well done and big and it took me some time to begin to recognize places when looking the map. Even without the Undercity this FM would have been just great but with it it becomes much more unique!
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