The mission is certainly ambitious: custom intro and outro movies, lots of newly recorded dialogue, very well written documents, some nice puzzles.
It all takes place in the town of Blackwater, somewhere "on the outskirts of the City". The map is fairly large and during the course of the mission you'll get to explore the usual suspects of Hammer cathedral, a cemetery with haunted catacombs beneath it, a noble's mansion and the streets of the town itself. With it all culminating in, so to say, a "boss encounter" somewhat reminiscent of the finale of the first Thief game.
The aforementioned landmarks of Blackwater are fairly well realised, if a bit blocky, but sadly, the same cannot be said about the streets that connect them. They hardly feel more than corridors, offering very little vertical exploration and, just generally, have a bit bland and flat look. Perhaps, a smaller, more compact and less ambitious map would've allowed for greater attention to detail.
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