Remakes of one's game map in another game's engine are always great fun. And then, of course, there's a case of demakes, when a newer game is recreated in an older engine. But can you really call it a demake when an older title is more engaging and offers more, and more interesting, gameplay opportunities than a newer one?
Anyways, The Chalice Of Souls is a reimagining of the House Of Blossoms mission from that confusing Thief 2014 reboot. And it is a blast. FM is actually a small campaign of two fairly large missions and if you've played the original you know the basic gist: find your way to the underground brothel, then locate the abandoned Keeper Sanctuary and steal a trinket hidden somewhere within.
The City's streets are cold and snowy this time around and are gorgeous looking. While the opening subdistrict of Downtowne perhaps doesn't offer the largest map, it makes up for it with insane detailing and rewarding vertical exploration. And it's only just the beginning. I absolutely expected the map to end after you find your way underground. It's not that easy, however. The sewers are large, and the brothel is hidden somewhere within.
With its loud marble floors and NPCs heavily patrolling the opening area, the second mission noticeably ramps up the challenge, particularly if you are avoiding knocking out every little thing you see or, maybe, trying to ghost it. And then you find your way to the Keeper's Sanctuary...
I won't spoil it anymore. It's enough to say that with rewarding exploration and engaging gameplay The Chalice Of Souls is a must-play. And a real master class for the developers of that quickly forgotten Thief reboot of how to actually make a good Thief game.
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