Heart and Soul is another mission (the first one being the Gems of Provenance campaign, of course) by StinkyKitty where he successfully manages to weave a new narrative into the existing Thief timeline. It plays a What If scenario where a rogue mage has come into possession of a recently pawned Mystic's Soul and Heart artefacts stolen from the Bonehoard. As a mage enters Mystic's abandoned keep, Hammerites are afraid of him learning artefacts' dark secrets and threaten Garret to retrieve them. This exposition is complemented by well-written documents scattered around the mission, all painting an image of a powerful, evil and manipulative sorcerer and cryptic powers of Mystic's artefacts.
The Mystic's Keep design is probably on a more modest side, with boxy rooms and unassuming straight walls, but made stronger with smart decorations and a feel of a long-forgotten, rundown place. And as you start exploring and discover Keep's haunted underground, the unfortunate fate of prisoners held by mage's power, a trapped company of mercenaries and other dark secrets it is impossible to deny how good the mission is at channelling the atmosphere of mystery, maybe of a horror, but definitely of a thriller.
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