Downtowne Funk feels like a mission lost from the original campaign, then found twenty-five years later. One can easily imagine it being included in another Dark Project revision, say, Thief Gold v2.0, if such a thing could happen. And not only because the events of the mission take place a few days after the "Thieves' Guild", before "The Sword", and draw heavily upon details of "Assassins", but also because it takes and spruces up OM areas while being faithful to their aesthetics with most buildings being relatively spartan in their decoration of both furniture and loot.
As is obvious from the mission's title, the journey takes you to Downtowne, and the district is presented here through short buildings that match the style of LGS' depiction of it. There's not much verticality, but don't get discouraged as there are plenty of places to explore. And you enter many of them through (a nice detail!) transparent frobable windows that help you to identify exploitable places.
Overall, the Downtowne Funk is a mission with a classic T1 OM feel to it: with some light puzzles and lots of nooks and crannies to loot, with solid if not ground-breaking gameplay, with a reasonably complex city map, fun readebles and a fairly simple story. With probably the biggest downside being the mission ending on an unsatisfying cliffhanger. But there's a sequel in the works.
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