This campaign could've risen to classic status and be mentioned with campaigns like Calendar's Legacy , but because of the lack of polish and some really REALLY annoying design decisions by the author most players don't even finish the first mission.The amount of times you'll get stuck on objects and terrain will make you go insane , for some reason the frob distance on all items is very small meaning Garrett has to rub his face in an item to be close enough to pick it up and this can make the player skip items necessary for progress.
The good - the first and second missions are a bit rough on the architecture level,but mission 3 and 4 more than make up for that, the atmosphere is amazing - oppressive and makes you feel on edge,uneasy which fits perfectly with the story.It's somewhat predictable but has a nice twist.Each mission has some sort of unique challenge , for example in mission one you have to help and NPC sneak to a certain location.
This could have been a great campaign,if you can stomach some bs open a walkthrough and play.
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