This campaign is one of the best I've played on The Dark Mod.
The architetcture, texture use and design is all top notch, these are a great looking set of maps to sneak around in, and there's a good balance between the usual stealing and the more supernatural stuff.
I really liked that the missions doesn't focus too much on loot amounts, and i felt that the objectives were varied.
The enemy patrols feel natural, while not being too hard, and I liked how the maps never felt too big, or just big for the sake of it, the use of space feels meaningful.
I do have an issue with the voice acting, the mic quality seems off on some characters, the main voice actor had a mic that sounded rather poor, which took me out of it a bit.
The acting itself ranges from decent to good.
I also met with the ocassional invisible wall, not a big deal though.
Overall, this is a fantastic campaign, recommended to newcomers to The Dark Mod and veterans alike, try it out now!
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