This small (1MU Contest ) mission is a very nice distraction while you're taking a break off something bigger or just need a quick and relatively easy mission to play that won't eat up a lot of time. This one took me around 50 minutes.
You end up in a limited area around a small Mechanist facility, with some apartments to rob before you get into the building proper. The mission is very vertical and navigating the balconies requires some acrobatics with a rope arrow, but it's not too difficult technically. If you fall, you die though - the height will assure that, so either quicksave or be nimble. Also, a single misstep on a tile or metal grating can alert the whole neighbourhood, so be prepared for that as well.
Overall, while the mission didn't break any new grounds (the story's just okay, but it serves its' purpose), it was a pretty enjoyable experience, and I can recommend it for any fans that like city/Mechanist vibes and can't be bothered with playing anything bigger at the time. It must have taken a lot of effort to cram as much into so small an area while maintaining everything believable and sensible, so my congratulations to the author for that!
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