More than any other mission, this captured the uncanny magic of the original game for me: multiple heists, otherworldly sound design, a smart mix of dread and discovery, with great, unobtrusive writing throughout. At first I wasn’t sure I liked the derezzed textures, but I came to love them, partly because they assisted making the familiar new again, and adding to the sense of exploration. The level design is spectacular, both epic in scope and fastidious in detail – every room seems to have a story. It's got a distinct Soulsborne vibe, too, with shortcuts that only open from one side, connecting bigger and bigger spaces the further you progress. A must-play.
Best bit: The final sanctum area, which distills the first game’s surreal eeriness into a series of increasingly unnerving rooms.
Biggest surprise: One of few FMs with a secret, alternate ending…
Worst bit: Within the mission? None. But the briefing feels wildly misleading, so much that I had to double check that I was playing the right mission. The Valley is described as some ancient necropolis cut off from civilization for centuries, but it is very much, uh, not that…?
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