Knowing this would be Lady Rowena's final mission makes playing it all the more bittersweet. Her talents were tremendous, and by all accounts she was a beloved member of the community. What I admire most about her work is the depth of feeling she clearly had for her characters,; she never let easy tropes get the best of complexity. Just a short exchange of letters found here, covering a clandestine adoption, has better characterization than many other missions manage in their entirety.
As for the rest, it’s classic Rowena: an intricately detailed City map with dozens of unique characters and interlocking stories, plenty of fun larceny, and a welcoming sense of humor. It doesn’t have the scope and macabre elements that made Seven Sisters so memorable, but it’s tighter and more polished overall. It’s also clear this was going to be an epic campaign for longtime fans, with following missions set in refurbished versions of maps from the original games.
Best bit: The connection between readables and their respective puzzles – everything is clever enough that you feel like a real master thief once you put the pieces together
Worst bit: Nothing major – the main issue is that custom textures don’t always read clearly (many stone floors look like tiles, some frobbable doors look like wallpaper)
Biggest surprise: The set-up for exploring OG missions – all the more sad that we won’t be able to…
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