This is no doubt a top quality FM pack overall that nevertheless suffers from a certain unevenness - the first act is as good (or nearly) as any (mostly) vertical city mission gets, but the problems start in the second act: the brothel is beautifully made w breathtaking visuals but suffers (to my liking) from exceedingly difficult gameplay, at least as far as you want to keep any level of stealth - lots of klanky surfaces and darn flickering lights plus lots of walkers EVERYWHERE, vast spaces where you can be seen from many angles at any given time, at times through draperies which are not transparent to YOU the player but are to npcs - this place is worse than Undercover attempted by Garrett undisguised, and as the lore knows, he was sane enough not to do it there for the very reasons so why he would here is at best unclear. Also once you realize where the mission is seemingly headed by who made the structure, it builds sky-high expectations: you want to solve the mystery, but then comes the second and even more problematic section. And that is completely anticlimatic: this second part of the mission is vast, empty and devoid of any meaningful tasks or content as if the author(s) were never into adventurous ("archaeological") (Bonehoard/Lost City) style thief missions. The vastness echoes the emptiness and as such feels completely unnecessary, and the final trophy is embarassingly easy to find, which is even more jarring as in no way in proportion to the difficulty of the brothel gameplay just before it - this waterworld part does not contain anything that would make the gameplay or story more involving. For example, potential story/gameplay devices such as the trail of blood, or the possibility of hiding the trophy in some sort of a secure place (à la Ominous Bequest or THAT part in Godbreaker) remain completely unexplored, as is giving the story some sort a greater meaning the anticipation of which, as said above, is triggered by the introduction of the Keeper theme. Hence good overall but lacking the substance of the very top creations, which I think is a pity because the potential is definitely there.
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