Let's start with the positives, this missions is visually fairly nice, it's got a cool "countryside horror" vibe to it.
Keeping in with the theme, the mission has a custom ambiance track playing in certain areas. The issue with this is that it's way too loud, I had to go into the files and lower them using Audacity, to spare my ears from the torment.
It's also only a few seconds long, and it doesn't loop. And sometimes it plays over other music and even inside of houses and buildings, which is annoying and makes no sense.
Gameplay wise, there's almost no stealth in this mission, what it does have instead is key and switch hunting. This makes it feel more like one of those first-person point and click adventure games.
The story is bare-bones and there are no characters with any personality or backstory. All of the scrolls in the mission has major grammatical errors, making it confusing to understand and leads me to think this FM didn't get beta tested much.
A shame, with more work It could have been cool.
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