This is a big mission, there's a lot to explore in the city, it managed to give me the feeling i got when I first played "Life of the Party".
The FM isn't without it's issues however. The boxy and simple architecture aren't much to get one inspired. The map is an issue as well, it does its job well enough, but a more detailed map would have saved me some confusion and improve navigation.
The city is big, but it does not feel believable at all. It's strangely linear, getting from one end of the city to the other wouldn't be very friendly to a person without rope arrows or an experienced climber.
This unrealistic design aside, I actually liked how varied the traversal is, you'll be doing a lot of stealth, exploration and climbing to get to your destination.
The mansion was fun as well, and made more sense in terms of layout than the rest, which felt like a nice change of air.
The story is also nice, it's nothing complicated or groundbreaking, but it works and is told well.
I really liked Augustine's Revenge more than I thought I would, so don't let the lackluster visuals keep you from playing this fun mission.
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