This little jewel of a mission has the unnamed protagonist break into the house of a wealthy, and apparently squeaky clean, nobleman in order to prove his talents.
The mission is visually beautiful, with great attention to detail and a lot of effort put into making the various areas of the mansion look visually distinct from each other and like lived-in places. Despite the tight, intricate layout it is difficult to lose your way.
One of the most impressive aspects is the variety of routes you can take around the place. Every area has multiple entrances and exits, and they're set up pretty flawlessly. Moving around stealthily through secret areas feels natural.
There's almost nothing to fault in this mission. In terms of design, visuals, pacing, and the undefinable "fun" factor, it's near faultless. Only a few of the EAX effects sounded a bit peculiar.
This mission is brilliant. Go play it.
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