I like a lot what the author had been going for with this mission. The custom textures, the geometry of the streets, and the unique assets create a very interesting atmosphere. It's Deadly Shadows - but it's not.
It's a shame the mission often feels empty, and after a while, it becomes pretty clear that most of it is just for showcase... Not to mention the awkward key hunt aspect of the mission design - which I can't help but find a huge pain in (relatively) big maps like this one. Need to mention though, it was an interesting (but pleasant) twist how most of the loot could be found in the second part of the mission.
-Great scenery and ideas
-Well thought out story (though the readables are unnecessarily wordy)
-Needlessly oversized map
-Awkward key hunt mission design
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star 7 / 10
The Cabot was made by another author, Flux. He (or she) also made Valley, pagan-themed semi-sequel to Cabot.
As for this mission - I felt it a bit empty from loot in the city part, and keyhunt in the mansion was a bit too complicated. On the other side - some optional quests, and the mission is quite good-looking.
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Yes, you're right (about the part that Cabot was made by another author, Flux). And the funny thing is that realization just randomly came into my mind yesterday, so I logged in to edit the review - and now I noticed you also pointed that out, haha :D (if I notice your reply first I would have probably left the review unedited, but eh... anyway).
I think the reason why I did that mistake was the fact that I played The Bridge and Valley one after another. Valley was an interesting mission, by the way - I'm still thinking about that a lot (and planning to release a review for that as well).
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