Endless Rain is one of those fan missions that A, is an undoubted fan favorite - for a good reason; and B, puts the city maps of the original missions to shame.
What you get here is most of the time "exactly" what you'd expect from a well crafted city mission - but the more interesting aspect of Endless Rain is it can sometimes surprise you a lot. For example, there is a hidden, Keepers related quest you can easily miss. It's worth to mention there is not many missions rewarding you more for exploration. While there are some parts that may need multiple re-loads for accidentally missing a ledge, or a rope - looking for secrets and new places is a lot of fun. Also, I was surprised how well balanced the difficulty was in this mission. There is just enough challenge to keep you busy, but it never becomes annoying.
Perhaps the map may be a little bit overwhelming for begginers (even it's not as big as it seems at first, the geometry certainly makes it tricky to fully explore though), I can wholeheartedly recommend Endless Rain to anyone who wants to check out one of the finest city missions ever made.
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