I'm a big fan of bit-sized missions, so there is a huge chance that (even if I cannot be not critical towards the many problems this one has) I've enjoyed it out of biasedness.
The architecture is nice, but the streets are definitely too narrow; sound propagation and ambiance issues; at least one area where you can get stuck in the ceiling; a weird wooden trapdoor (you can open by your sword) leading to nowhere; the metal surface of the starting room instantly alerts every guard in the streets; even for those who aren't looking for ghosting the mission, some parts are weirdly unpassable without some brute force; etc.
I'm not even sure I listed all technical issues I experienced during the mission - but! I genuinely think An Old Friend is still pretty enjoyable for its qualities. How much the creator was able to use this small space is admirable, and there are some fun secrets, alternative pathways in the map. I can recommend it to anyone who wants to check out a nice, small-scaled mission - and can ignore its technical flaws.
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