It's a hard thing to dislike the most famous FM ever made of Thief. I admit it was a shocking thing to see that you can sign the guest book of the party you're crashing, which sent me into a google deep dive between the FM author and Dishonored (he designed the Boyle party level too), but ultimately the mission feels very much like many of the OMs feel, in the worst way possible: gamey, contrived, too much like a videogame level. I'm 100% sure it's because the newer FMs have spoiled me like the whiniest child, but alas, all the enjoyment I got from this mission (which was not little, mind you) was in seeing how much it tried new things (very noticeable) in contrast to how much dated it feels. I guess I'm just sad I didn't love it as so many others do. It is very worthwile to try for yourself.
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