I like Libraries and I like Hammerites, so when I saw the level's description I knew I had to play it. I went in knowing it would probably be pretty low quality when compared to the FMs released after this one and as such my expectations were low enough to enjoy the level for what it was. It's faults are ones that you would expect out of a developer's first map: it's overly lit, lacks finer details, and has very blocky level design. Instead of harping on those things, let's look at what the developer got right.
First of all, the writing for this mission is great. While it didn't have some grand level wide story, most of the texts you find are either humorous or expand upon Hammerite lore. One of the questions I had when playing Thief Gold was how the Hammers actually view their technology, seeing as they are more based around the Medieval era rather than the Victorian era. This FM gives an answer to that question, showing that they might see things like electricity as "blood" or "spirit." It's always neat to think about how people of bygone eras would perceive modern technologies, and for that reason I feel the writing deserves at least a B.
As for the level itself, it has some cool stuff, like finding the dead body as well as grabbing the golden skull. I didn't even attempt to ghost it though due the pervasive lighting, tile floor, and this one annoying guard at the tower entrance that had a completely random walk cycle. Nonetheless, navigating the level was fun enough and it wasn't too much of a chore to find all of the loot on expert (though keep in mind it's pretty much one of those "grab all loot on the level" objectives). The tower library was pretty boring, but other than that it was a good first level. Apparently, this author has other FMs, so I'll definitely check those maps out soon.
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