Overall, this is another fun and playable early map for Thief. The writing is the standout here. Whether it helped me to figure out the story/level or was just plain funny, every scroll and text was worth reading. The lore behind the thing you're stealing really made me question if it was even a good idea to be stealing it. In terms of the level design, the layout is very small and simple. Nonetheless, it uses its environment well and no room feels like it lacks a purpose. I particularly liked the chapel in this one because of statue secret. It just looked so eerie when it slid across the ground like that.
While I enjoyed most of everything about this mission, playing it on hard (this level's max difficulty) does mean you have to collect all of the loot on the level. Getting all of loot from the manor and market building is pretty east, but the last 25 can be tricky if you aren't looking carefully. Just remember that if it looks like you can rope arrow up to a closed window, there's no reason not to give it a try and see what you find.
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