If you know anything about the original FM that this is a port of, you know that it had several problems, the biggest being that it covered up the sky box with this ugly green texture for some weird reason. The textures and lighting on the level was all over place too, and overall it was just a really messy package that was only sort of saved by its creepy writing. This version, however, seeks to correct all of these things and I feel that it is (mostly) successful.
First of all, this level now actually has a sky box and is much better for it. I feel like I can immerse myself just that bit more because of it. Second, while they still kept a number of the weird textures, they were able to make them fit better by adjusting their colors and changing up the lighting. There are a lot more shadows now, which really improves the atmosphere of the level and gives it the same kind of creepy vibe that the writing has. The only problem here is that you can't get into the bell-tower from the roof anymore, which I think was done so that you can't see where the sky box cuts off. While this is not a terrible change, as the bell tower room now only has one guard, it does make the note about the gable door in the tower pointless. Still, other than that, this is absolutely the definitive version of this FM and is the version that I would suggest playing if you have any interest in doing so.
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