This FM had a fun name, and I was glad to see that it generally lived up to its title. Sure, Garrett doesn't die, but at least it was playable and enjoyable. The beginning in the cave tunnels was fun, especially because it gives you all these rocks that can be thrown at the frogs, making them explode. Then there's the mansion heist, where you have to frame Bok for a murder and steal a magical chalice. Nothing extremely interesting, but it has all these small details that were really fun. For instance, you can find a hair potion in the Lord's medicine cabinet (he's bald) and find the Eye from TDP that's now been labeled as a "useless trinket."
Level design wise, every room has clear purpose, even if they can be somewhat simple. It's also possible to ghost most of it, though those guards on the second floor are rather sensitive. Getting the chalice was a bit of trial, but it wasn't too bad. Just start looking in the Lord's bathroom and you'll be on the right track. My main complaint is with some of the books you find, which seem to abruptly stop after 2 pages, even though it seems like I should be able to turn the page and read more. I can't tell if this intentional or a bug, but it kinda bothers me as I don't want to miss out on any writing.
All-in-all, short, competent, and not too hard. Not terrible if you skip it, but fine if you want to try it.
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