... Unlike typical Thief FM, here we are participating not in clashes between "Holy Trinity" of The City universe - Keepers, Hammerites and Pagans, but find ourselves involved in classic feudal feud between Prince Robert and Prince Augustine, whose revenge we should put onto Robert's head. So begins our trudging to the Robert's citadel through the labyrinth of city compartments, houses, warehouses etc.
On the other hand the mission is quite typical for BBB's style. Playing through his other missions, I noticed several traits that are more or less common in his works. First of all, it's kind of circular structure of mission, where our final destination lies near the starting location, but is impenetrable from here, so you are going through the long way to complete your objectives (it is present in amost all missions aside from his debut, Lord Matt and, maybe Hummer Skull). Second, this path (and the mission) is a bit linear, but it is very broad corridor with lots of branches and - sometimes sideways. Sometimes it's not corridor, but linear set of big sandbox locations with occasional bottlenecks. You feel like some invisible hand pushes you in certain direction, but you are free to explore locations. Third, there is thematical variation between locations - you can meet almost all creatures and landscapes from entire trilogy in one mission - Hammers, haunts, beasts - that are replacing each other as you progress through the mission (it is noticeable not much in Augustine's Revenge, but more in Mighty Joe Young, Three Crowns and Nigel's Hidden Treasure). Also vary the challenges and gameplay conditions - sometimes it's typical "flat" mission and then it transforms into Life of the Party-like Thieves' Highway with lots of platformer sections between City's skyscrapers.
In some of BBB's missions sometimes you can stuck when not noticed the way futher, but not in this one. As one of previous reviewers pointed out, the textures are quite boring and I can say that attention to detail also varies from location to location, but those nitpicks are not that important in my opinion. Perhaps, from all BBB's missions it was the most fun experience - not extremely long, without occasional key-hunting sections (that are not frequent even in his other works). It was quite simple, but I really engoyed my 2 hours ride.
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