When I started this FM out, I was wondering why it had a general 7/10 rating. It seemed rather basic and wasn't even much of a stealth mission; more of a zombie fest. I'm not against zombies, but I can't deny that they're annoying to deal with, especially with all the cramped spaces in the house. Speaking of the house, it had some neat stuff but I've seen better. Also, the hunt for the cellar key almost got on my nerves, but exploring thoroughly gets the job done. My only advice for Expert level players is to not worry about the other objectives until after you pick up the Necronomicon.
Once I found the Necronomicon, I realized why the FM had a decent rating. Granted, what happens is a bit gimmicky, but it's such a creative and unexpected change that I feel that the author deserves kudos for even attempting it.
All-in-all, it has some clear creativity but is mostly just kinda boring. Maybe check it out if you have an hour to kill or just really like spooky zombie houses. Otherwise you should probably just give it a pass.
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