This mission is remake of OM Thieves Guild in truest sense: the level (while it still has readables, conversations and tasks from original Thieves Guild) had been redone and reconstructed from scratch, with different layout. As I said objectives are the same - to steal the vase of Lord Randall from quarreling heads of Downwinder Thieves Guild. And still, the way how the mission is structured is similar to original mission: several manor-like houses connected by net of underground tunnels and passages.
The difference is that level here struck much better balance between openness and intelligibility, and the challenges that it poses are more bearable than in original mission. There are much less samey-looking corridors and sewer tunnels while the layout is divided into small parts that are easily distinguishable one from another. While doing so, Intertheft also remains multi-leveled and - surprisingly for such underground level! - very vertical mission that occasionally puts you into spatial puzzles. Often it proposes you several ways into areas of interest - which is also sign of a quality mission. Sometimes you still can get lost (for me it was objective with obtaining bracelet), but such moments are rare comparing to original Thieves Guild. In general, excellent first mission, and I hope Nomadman would continue!
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