While the mission is far superior to Thieves' Guild right from the very beginning, since the overall quality of the environment is much better (though today that's considered to be a standard among at least somewhat talented mission authors), I can safely say Intertheft also does quite a lot of other things really well. Yes, it has some confusing parts - just as the original, so perhaps it was an intentional "homage" - the overall the exploration is a lot of fun and I found completing the objectives relatively smooth.
I kinda miss some of the better areas and moments from Thieves' Guild (it's not just a horrible sewer section, has some good aspects as well), but at the same time seeing how the author completely re-imagined the original while keeping its core concept is pretty fascinating. I genuinely hope that Nomadman will surprise the Thief community with more similarly fantastic fan missions in the future, some really great talent has been showcased here.
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