I love this little underrated gem. My favourite Eternauta mission.
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star 10 / 10
Or Keeper of Infinity (at least the first part) - similar architecture but more adventurous in all senses. This is just so easy-peasy/lazy-daisy in comparison. Edit: I didn't catch that "Vaga-bond" at first, nice one!
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Played nostalgia and vagabond and didn't even felt them close. Keeper of Infinity looks similar, the color palette looks alike, but the feel and mood Kingsbridge has is different. It's more of a combination of Seven Sisters and Death's Cold Embrace. Great FMs tho.
I just love Kingsbridge. I've never rated a mission 10 so easily disregarding the general consensus. Generally I mostly agree with the rating, maybe I like it a bit more or a bit less, but this one.. what a charm. And even considering that my first playthrough was botched because one of the lanters that you have to put on the doors of the infected wouldn't register. Ended up restarting some time later and it worked with no issues. Maybe I re-downloaded and reinstalled.
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Another similar suggestion I just recollected: Raven Creek (Rabensbach) by Christine - a beautifully crafted town & visuals and a relatively recent one, just not that strong in overall story structure and not as interesting objectives.
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I really like Raven Creek! Thanks for thinking of this thread and coming back :)
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