The front doors main entry I picked a key from a guard. but get chased out but the other guards with no key on their belt still unlock the door as well even though i locked it ( locking them in the house) :) could we have it so i can do that or even lock all the guards outside the castle :)
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The guards have keys to the front door on them so they don't get stuck on them trying to go outside for help. In that case they would just sit and run against closed door infinitely during testing. So to avoid that funny / bad situation, I had to give many of them keys to those doors. Other doors that require keys are not like that.
Also, look for other ways in besides the front door itself! There are multiple sneaky ways in!
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Yes I found another :) entrance... but I picked the entrance keys from two guards and they still unlock the doors that the key fits that i picked from their belt even though i locked them with they key.... as though the other guards with no keys showing on their belts have invisible keys as they unlock the doors anyway...
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Yes, the 2 entrance doors are like that. Some doors in the mission I had to give guards the ability to open. So you cannot always depend on the technique of locking guards out of a door.
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