Yes, it's a big BIG map, and to me the layout was the best part of this mission, The flow of the town and the intermingling of the castle walls, the factory, and the watery loading docks, I thought was just gorgeous. It reminded me somewhat of super vertical mods such as Ascend the Dim Valley. However, I found myself getting lost often and wandering around looking for the targets in the objectives, and I often didn't know where the objective would be, aka which guy was Ballsy (had to backtrack and pick up every person I knocked out to determine who he was). The map and compass were a lifesaver for getting back on track. The castle was pretty dope, scaling up inside, then outside, then up a tree, then an arrow, all the way up to the more affluent rooms. The town has tons of shops and abodes and furniture well crammed in tiny spaces. IDK, it was fun but it did feel like you're in a maze always looking to break out into an undiscovered path you missed on the first 2 or 3 times you were in the same area. Kinda neat mission and a worthwhile play.
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