First and foremost: Insert this file (graciously hosted by the author back in his days)
into the folder "darkmod\fms\ws3_cleighmoor\maps" before you play to prevent A.I. from committing suicide and having you fail the mission. I got like halfway through before I found out and the fix wasn't working when I installed it at that point.
Now to the review:
The first part is a pretty difficult and somewhat boring looking sewer section that goes up to Cleighmoor jail. It's rather short, that's what I liked best about that part.
Following that comes the jail itself, which seems more like a walled-in manor. The outside is beautiful snowy but lacks some detail. I can't say much about the rest of the jail but the first few dozen rooms around the lobby are well made and the story is presented in good detail. As soon as you enter the jail premises you also get flooded with mission objectives (some optional), but completing them is still fun and not too hard to pull off.
I intend to replay this one at some point with the fix installed beforehand and will update the review then. For now I'd say it's good fun and something more traditional. So if you liked the first episode but not the second (the one in the city), you should give this one a go!
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