Cardia is an interesting author , his architecture ideas are very unique ,but always his missions have that something to REALLY annoy or even piss off the player.These 3 missions are no exception.
The first mission drops us into the thick of it - a space ship full of baddies for us to kill.Visuals are amazing, but 90% of the level is combat.
Second mission takes us to an alien planet and a temple full of well designed puzzles. Not a lot of people use oriental themes and this makes this a very cool looking and feeling mission.If you're going to be playing only one of these 3 missions this is the one.
Mission three takes us back to the City.This is where Cardia really drops the ball.Layout is simple with almost no verticality.The thing that will make you hate this mission is that for some reason Cardia decided that adding victrolas playing extremely loud techno music is a good idea.DO NOT waste time playing the last mission.
I'm still puzzled as to why the last mission was even added.
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