The second mission I am reviewing while working through every mission on this site. This one... well, after "Down we go" it's honestly rather charming. The mission has two objectives (Both of which work) and is actually mostly solid gameplay wise. There is even a hidden entrance into the building, and a lockpickable door. Shadows are the hard, quicklighting ones that you only ever see in these very early missions, and once again you require a bit of wizardry to run it outside of dromed: oh, and saving doesn't work. But ignoring all those glaring issues, this mission is charming in it's own right, and not painful to play.
If the mission wasn't dromed only, and had working saves, this would easily be rated 3 or even a 4.
Bear in mind I am talking about an ancient FM here, and it doesn't hold up at all by modern standards.
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