--Edit: I should mention: this FM is actually the first ever produced period. It only seems to release later than some others, as there was a gap between it being sent to LGS, and it being released to the public.--
Gathering at the bar briefly looks like it says "gathering at the bad" during it's intro movie. I mention this, because had it been bad, that would have been incredible. But unfortunately, instead of being able to open this review with a funny quip, I am left with a mission that I can only really talk about in positive terms.
You are not Garrett in this mission, and you are stealing lord baffords scepter. (Side note: in T2, Baffords scepter does not render by default. This could only be to reduce the number of missions using the thing). Your secondary objectives include... stealing 2 identical scepters with different names.
There is a suprising amount of little details and suprises here, despite the simple premise. Such as the generator that when turned off, someone comes down to turn it back on, the peephole into the hammerites room, and the creepy shrine on the upper floor. While it is ultimately wooden rooms with people in them, it feels a lot more complete than any of the past efforts I have played.
If I had to give some criticism: The mission is a very cramped, and architecture wise it is very boxy, and certainly a bit on the crowded side. Both of these are to be expected from a mission this old. The hardest difficuilty, impossible, is also best skipped unless you know what your doing. Impossible strips you of your blackjack, making the mission extremely difficult.
Through a modern lens, this mission is by no means a masterpiece, but I want to be clear: This mission holds up even today. It's still worth playing.
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