This mission is vast, boring, and bad. It starts with you waking up in a bed, with no equipment, and a "radical left wing activist" outside, who you are supposed to follow (I would pause to debate the mission's politics, but that implies there was any thought into its plot at all, and it wasn't just the authors random word salad for the day). He doesn't actually go anywhere, so I head outside, and explore the streets myself. The streets are huge, long, and barren. The castle you eventually rob is a ridiculous cube. Oh, with a long underwater section in the basement which is, in the style of these old FMs, long featureless corridors. There are also random bits of non-sensical geometry, such as water that refuses to enter the church. (This is actually explained in a readable, but is still dumb.)
I could go on, but honestly, I don't even want to keep thinking about this mission. Full disclosure: this is the first old FM I failed to finish, which wasn't explicitly unwinnable. I needed to find some keys which I think might have been in the basement, but I actually think I was softlocked, as I couldn't escape the basement without a rope arrow, and there were none to be found in the basement.
The creator back in 1999 wanted me to be gentle, so I will rate it 1/10, which is infinitely higher than the score in my head.
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