The Assassination is an FM about assassinating Slabodyr Moloszevic, the hammerite high priest. He is living in his home, gaurded by hammers, and so you need to sneak in stab/shoot him, and then retrieve some stuff from his basement, and then sneak out again. The house that Slabodyr Moloszevic, the hammerite high priest, lives in, is actually pretty well guarded, and getting in is only really possible with a rope arrow. This is the only rope arrow you will ever use however. As the rest of the mission is a straight forward romp through a small castle, with no real twists.
The mission seems to be fully stealthable, with Slabodyr Moloszevic, the hammerite high priest, being the only person you must attack.
Unfortunately, the escape objective doesn't seem to work, so Slabodyr Moloszevic, the hammerite high priest, has the last laugh in this FM. (this is why I rate the mission a 3, rather than a 4, overall.)
Overall, this FM is just kinda below average. It's not too impressive, and the only point of note is that Sla~ the evil boss guy, seems to be described with his full title in most of the readables.
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star 3 / 10
Mods, please change my name to Slabodyr Moloszevic, hammerite high priest.
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Careful with requests :) Mods are watching all time :)
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